
Nowra Christian School achieves 2023 HSC Success
Nowra Christian School’s (NCS) focused approach to the Higher School Certificate (HSC) has paid off with two students achieving ATAR’s...

Icy Adventures: Secondary Snow Trip Highlights
Our Secondary snow trip was an absolute blast! Our prayers for snow were answered big time! We arrived at Smiggins to see fresh, falling...

NCS performs well in the 2021 HSC
The 2021 HSC results are in and our students have performed very well, despite the disruptions that have occurred for the last two years....

NCS performs well in the 2020 HSC
The 2020 HSC results are in and our students have performed very well, despite the disruptions that have occurred this year. Nowra...

They're back!!!
It was so exciting to have our seniors back in Week 3 for 'line days'. We had missed them so much and it was lovely to spend a full day...

What's happening in Science?
The Science Department has been busy this term with lots of interesting practicals and thought-provoking topics. Year 7 has learned how...

HSC Visual Arts Students 'Time to Shine'
When an art gallery calls an artist and wants to exhibit their work, you know that artist is successful! Seven NCS HSC Visual Arts...

Senior Drama OnSTAGE
The Senior Drama students travelled to Sydney on Thursday to attend OnSTAGE. These are the top performances and projects for Drama for...

Outstanding results in the 2019 HSC
The 2019 HSC results are in and our students have performed very well. Nowra Christian School Principal, Mr Rob Bray, said that a...

The SYNERGY Leadership Training Day was extremely beneficial for us, as a new group of prefects, to bring us closer together as a...