Christian Leadership
There are a number of opportunities available to students which aim to develop their Christian Leadership skills.
Followers in Training (FIT) - is a Christian Leadership Program run by Crusaders for Year 5 and 6 students. It encourages students to follow Jesus and learn how to serve Him and others, particularly at school. The interactive seminars aim to equip students with foundational leadership training that will benefit them for the rest of their lives!
Discipleship of other students - Senior Secondary students are given the opportunity to lead groups of younger students in various Bible study groups.
Leaders in Training (LiT) - NCS has a long and ongoing relationship with Anglican YouthWorks. Our annual Secondary camp is held at their site in Port Hacking. Our students in years 9-12 have the opportunity each January to attend a fantastic week aimed at growing as a Christian, as a leader and as a servant of Jesus and His people.
My School, My Responsibility (MSMR) - Each year NCS hosts this event which brings together Christian students from all Secondary schools in the region. Led by the SECET (Shoalhaven Employers of Christian Education Teachers) teachers, the students engage in a day of fellowship, learning and equipping to help them be more effective followers of Jesus in their schools.

External Leadership Opportunities
Every year our students can be engaged in several leadership development opportunities, including;
South Coast Leadership Forum
Shoalhaven Council Youth Advisory Council
Outward Bound
Rotary Youth Program of ENrichment (RYPEN)
School Leadership
While leadership is a skill we like to see encouraged and developed in every student, NCS also has specific offices for those students who are particularly gifted in this area.
There are several school leadership opportunities presented to students during their time at school. These include a Student Representative Council, Primary and Secondary Prefects, House Captains and Vice Captains and of course School Captains.