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Stage 1 Grandparents Day

On Tuesday, 22 August over 70 Grandparents attended a special morning tea hosted by 1/2H and 1/2P in order to celebrate and thank our Grandparents for being a special part of our families.

1/2H and 1/2P have been learning about “Families Past and Present” and Grandparents Day was an opportunity for the children to share many of the things they had learned throughout the unit.

On arrival the Grandparents came into the classrooms to look at the children’s books and read, draw and talk with them. This was also a great opportunity for many Grandparents to share an anecdotal memory of their school days.

We then broke up into groups moving around the classrooms and outside, where the Grandparents enjoyed a lovely morning tea. There were many games on offer. For the more adventurous there were outdoor games of marbles, elastics and skipping. For the less adventurous, inside we played maths dice games, Connect Four, Tiddlywinks and Snakes and Ladders.

It was an enjoyable day and we thank all the Grandparents who attended for helping to make our day a special one. The children thoroughly enjoyed having them at school to share a part of their school day.

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