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Country Women's Association Country of Study

On Tuesday, 5 September, six Stage 3 students accompanied by Miss Thuaux went to the Country Women's Association building in Nowra to deliver presentations that they had been developing.

This year the CWA's country of focus was Nepal. Students did a marvelous job of speaking to an unknown audience and lots of the women commented on how impressed they were with the content of the presentations and the students' confidence.

The CWA generously awarded the school a book as well as $200 to put towards resources in the Library.

"The CWA International Day was a wonderful experience. We met lovely ladies who welcomed us and they were a wonderful audience to present our projects about Nepal to. It was a wonderful reward for our months of hard work on our presentations". Micah Edwards

"It was a long process, but a rewarding one. We spent months creating our PowerPoints, and editing our speeches that went along with them. I am very proud of my classmates and myself, as we tried our hardest and had heaps of fun. Our group included Jenna Gallanty, Micah Edwards, Amelia Leembruggen (Myself), Ollie Ellery, Matthew McLennan and Hannah Smith. Micah won on the day, with a very interesting and awesome presentation". Amelia Leembruggen

"I learnt some new facts about Nepal's history, from listening to my classmates' presentations". Hannah Smith

"A good thing about the day was that the people were nice and they gave us free food". Matthew McLennan

"It was a great day and we got to try many different foods from Nepal. In the end, Micah Edwards won first prize. However, all of our PowerPoints will be judged again at the next level of the competition". Oliver Ellery

"I was a bit nervous to present my PowerPoint but everyone was really encouraging. I learnt a lot about Nepal". Jenna Gallanty

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