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And so we say 'Bye Bye Birdie'!

I just wanted to publicly thank staff, students and parents for helping us create special memories for Nowra Christian School during our musical production of Bye Bye Birdie. Staff, students and parent volunteers have been working exceptionally hard since last November.

There are many people behind the scenes to ensure that a musical production is a success. These are just some of the staff who have supported and helped make all of us proud to be part of the community at NCS.

Jim Hefferan - Thank you for helping us make the logistics of chairs, furniture, space, heaters and car parking work so well. Thank you also for helping to make our crazy ideas become reality!

Gail Wainwright - Thank you for your patience when you get interrupted all the time and making yourself available to help sort things out for us. (Especially ensuring that we meet the licence agreement by ensuring that the musical program was sent to Melbourne on time!)

Susan Edwards - Thank you for quietly producing the musical without any complaint or fuss. You are such a blessing to all of us and I am so thankful for your godliness and willingness to serve. You continued to remain so calm, especially when an ambulance was called in one afternoon.

Rosie Ellery - Thank you for your creativity and for encouraging students to shine and to step out of their comfort zones. You are certainly an amazingly talented director. We are so blessed to have such talent at our school.

Matt West - Thank you for giving up so much of your time writing the scores and encouraging the students to play. In addition to what was already a busy week, you managed to get our secondary vocal ensemble to achieve second place in the Shoalhaven Eisteddfod! You are a superhero, Mr. West!

Amanda Lawrence - Thank you for putting the orchestra together, smiling every day, and quietly organising the students, staff and parents for the orchestra.

Stew Harrison - You are such a talented musician; there is no other! Thank you for coming in during your days off, playing for the musical and Eisteddfods, and encouraging students to play.

Alison Stewart - Champion! Not only did you put together the set design, you took photos, put the program together, had fun on set with Greg! Thank you so much! We are so thankful that you helped our senior students from the Visual Design course to see their ideas become a reality as you guided them to create the set design for the musical.

Greg Clarke - You did such a great job handling sound and set. The students love working with you and you have continuously encouraged so many! I don’t know how you were still able to lift the sets when your fingers were already badly bruised from playing AFL on that Saturday morning! Superhero Clarkey!

Erin West - Thank you for coordinating hair, makeup, costumes etc! The students looked so wonderful! I learned that you can create old age by drawing lines on Joey's forehead. :)

Amanda Herring - Thank you for doing our ticketing, our marketing, designing our posters and many other things that you do that we may have overlooked!

Gail Bate - Thank you for sorting out the snacks and many other things, especially organising meetings for us to meet with Mr Bray etc.

Richard Whitehouse - Thank you for organising the VTR when so many staff had to be helping out with BBB and you had to creatively put together a team of staff to cover the remnants! This can't happen without your assistance including playing the euphonium.

The rest of secondary staff - Thank you for supporting each other and taking extras here and there to support our musical production. It has been difficult for some of us because we are still trying to catch our students up with the work that they have missed. I know that you have been patient, and supportive. Thank you.

The rest of NCS staff - Thank you for your encouraging words, your presence to help during all the performances, whether selling snacks, or being willing to just help in any way. Your prayers, encouraging words and support have not gone unnoticed.

I am so thankful that this musical has given our staff and students memories that will last them a lifetime. My two favourite songs from the musical are “Kids” and “Mother Doesn’t Matter Anymore”. I might just have to break out into song and dance when I am frustrated at home with my own children!

This musical has given our students an opportunity to shine and to step out of their comfort zones. It enriches the life of the school and helps us see that learning occurs beyond classroom and textbooks.

Thank you, once again for making this musical work. I meant every word I said on Friday night. You make me look good as Head of Secondary!

I am very thankful to belong to this body of Christ.

Very appreciative of each one of you!

Evelyn Meek

Head of Secondary

“I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.” (Ephesians 1:16)

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