We went on a Pilgrimage… At the end of last term, my husband and I did the ‘Camino de Santiago de Compostella’. This is a pilgrimage through the north of Spain. ‘A pilgrimage?’ you say, ‘that is not something that Protestants do!’ This is true. A pilgrimage is a spiritual journey and some do it to win favour with God or even for healing. We know that we only have God’s favour through the work of Jesus on the cross. However, it can have value, even for us. Taking the time to walk through the countryside, quaint medieval villages and even larger towns, was an opportunity to slow down and to pray. Many people are also seeking God so this could be an amazing opportunity to point people to Jesus. Buen camino! Bev Wilkinson
Sarria - the town where we started

The wild flowers were stunning

Less than 100km to go!

So many quaint villages!

The destination: Santiago de Compostella