The 2020 HSC results are in and our students have performed very well, despite the disruptions that have occurred this year.
Nowra Christian School Principal, Mr Rob Bray, said that a combination of hardworking students, dedicated teachers and the school’s unique approach to the HSC has contributed to our students’ academic success this year.
A special congratulations to Jemima Parker, Imika Bramble and Maddie French who all made the Distinguished Achievers List for receiving a result in the highest band possible for one or more of their courses. A special mention to Joel Clifton who was DUX of the year with an ATAR of 87.25.
Overall, this year’s HSC results have been solid with 26% of our students achieving a Band 5 and 36% achieving a Band 4.
Mr Bray said, “At Nowra Christian School we recognise that the true worth of each student is measured by many more factors than just their ATAR score. We are proud of their academic performances but even more encouraged as a result of the commendable character traits that they display.
“We are confident that each of our students demonstrates a willingness to enter their new communities with the intention of using their gifts and talents to make positive contributions.
“We are very proud of all our Year 12 students and pray that God will richly bless them in 2021 as they commence higher education, take a gap year or begin work.
“Well done to all our Year 11 students who have also performed well this year, and have now completed half their HSC program!”