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At NCS, we provide a number of services to help the learning and development of students and to look after their wellbeing and safety. Counselling is one aspect of those services and is part of the overall Wellbeing Team.
Parent referral
If you think your child would benefit from seeing the school counsellor, you can make an appointment by filling out the Parent/Caregiver Referral for Counselling Form and submitting it online. Alternatively you can print it off and return it to the school either by dropping the referral in at the front office in an envelope marked “Counsellor”, or by scanned email to :
A member of the Counselling team will then contact you to make an appointment.


Student self-referral


Sometimes it’s good to have someone at the school you can go to see for help or just to talk with in confidence. You might be having issues with anxiety or stress or depression, relationships or other matters. Counsellors are here to assist with these kinds of things and have been trained in strategies to help.


You can make an appointment with one of the counsellors by emailing the counselling team at the address below, or dropping by the counselling office in the Administration Building.

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